Wednesday, February 5, 2014

For the Sake of ONE Soul

For the sake of ONE Soul, would you:

*Risk your "reputation" at work to tell someone hurting the Good News?

*Spend a few thousand dollars to travel halfway across the Globe, giving up personal vacation time to give up sleep, comfort, and possibly your health to share the Gospel with the hungry souls looking for Hope?

*Spend hours each week preparing a lesson to teach those ungrateful, uncaring, badly behaved kids in your Sunday School class-with the hope of them FINALLY hearing the His Word?

*Spend thousands of hours, hundreds of dollars, beg people to show up, decorate, plan, re-plan, find new workers-all for ONE week (20 hours or so) of a Vacation Bible School-even if you have low attendance, and NO ONE wants to help-for the sake of that ONE LOST SHEEP?

*Give up your hopes of ever being "rich" to go to Bible school, spending half of your life studying to Preach the Word, only to have many people tell you what a "waste of talent" you are-for the sake of His Kingdom?

*Go on nationalized television to debate a known atheist-knowing FULL WELL he will NOT change his mind-because one of the people watching or listening might actually come to a saving knowledge of Christ?

*Decide to set aside your expensive college education to be home with your kids-hearing all the time what a "waste of talent" your life is-to make sure you devote your life to sharing Christ with your kids?

*Gasp-Move to a country where you MIGHT DIE just for speaking His Name-might be imprisoned for bringing HIS WORD into the country-might be tortured-might watch your family be destroyed-for the one whose ETERNITY has been forever altered by the Truth you were willing to share?

There are so many more examples of those who have willingly laid down their lives, their time, their "talents", their hopes and dreams for the sake of just ONE.  I am passionate about this, because it is so easy to set it aside.  If we truly, I mean TRULY understood the hell of hell, we might actually get fired up to do something about it.  Yes, this post was brought together because of the debate-Ken Ham v. Bill Nye.  But it was SO much more than that.  I would believe Ham knew Nye was not going to change.  But, if you listened to what Ham said, you knew who he was speaking to, and Who he was speaking for.  Although I am quite certain Ham would love to see Nye come to a saving knowledge of Christ, there were thousands and thousands of people listening who are on their way to hell-and he KNEW it.  Did you see his passion?  Did you see his tears?  I did.  Ham has to walk around with a security team because those who hate God want. him. dead.  He knew what he was facing.  Do we?  Do we see the sheep JUMPING OVER THE EDGE every single day-to a certain eternal death?  So, instead of criticizing those who would sacrifice something or everything for just one sheep-perhaps we should hit our knees for them-then get up and get to work ourselves.