Thursday, May 30, 2013

This is NOT the Gospel

Especially this week, I've been taking extra time reading some blogs.  To be frank, I've had a hard time handling the intensity of this week, and I was trying to keep my brain busy.  Honestly, I should have done the laundry and worked on the memory verses I will be held accountable to on Sunday.   Today, I read a post by someone who had a good idea with seemingly really good intent.  Almost 250 people had posted comments, mainly positive, about her article.  The comments were ultimately passionate, and practically dared others to argue with their Godly stance on life and parenting.   There was a part of me that wanted to put my own comments and opinions, and thankfully I took a breath before continuing. 

*My opinion is NOT the Gospel.*

This seems pretty obvious, but it appears that most of us (myself included) forget this truth at times.  We take our opinions, standards, and convictions and place them as high as the Bible.  There is a reason that Paul has several verses on this.  We take the convictions we have, and find Biblical basis to start judging others who don't hold our same viewpoint.  The internet has made it even easier to do.  We can sit and read others' opinions, get all "fired up" and jump on the bandwagon, failing to realize how quickly we become a mob ready to break down the walls of anyone who might see a different side.  If you want to test my theory, start a conversation about homeschooling/schooling/public schooling.  Five people=five (different) opinions. 

Now, I do believe that there are multitudes of good things through other blogs, etc...  I have gleaned new perspectives, gotten ideas, and been challenged to grow in my walk with the Lord.  There is the need, though, to remember we are only responsible for ourselves before the Lord.  You won't agree with everything I do, and I won't agree with everything you might do.  If I'm in sin, call me out.  If you are worried about a path I'm taking, talk to or even confront me.  We all have strong opinions and convictions.  These change.  The Gospel does not, and that is our guide. 

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